Annual quiz night- held for over 25 years, do contact us to be added to our mailing list.
Recycling original inkjet printer cartridges- please place them in the collection basket in the main hall
Second hand uniform- do ask about what second hand uniform we currently have in stock. Donations of unwanted uniform items are also welcome.
Hall Hires
Easyfundraising- register at the easyfundraising website and then go from there to over 7000 brands and major retailers. At no cost to you, the Scout Group will get a donation based on how much you spend!
Coffee mornings- held occasionally, a great opportunity to meet friends and have a chat. Also a chance to ask questions to leaders, browse uniform, complete DBS checks etc. Donations welcome which are often used to raise money for other charities or causes the group wants to support.
Hertfordshire Scouts lottery- cash prizes as well as supporting the group and the county activity centres, click the button below for more information.